Items Tagged with "Prayer"
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Hand-Washing--Critical to the War on Germs
Hand Hygiene...Critical to the War on GermsWith the school year beginning, it’s a good time for some important tips for battling germs. We live in a world of unknowns. No one knows how many people have touched all those door handles that we all touch every day. No one knows if those persons be Read More...
Thanksgiving Prayer
...r the many good things of life.Here's a beautiful prayer of Thanksgiving from the Catholic Health the Catholic Health Association:A THANKSGIVING PRAYERGod of all blessings, source of all life, gi... promise to be with us now and always. AMEN.Prayer provided by CHA, the Catholic Health Associ Read More...
Christmas Prayer Feast of Christmas, I offer you this Christmas Prayer. A Christmas Prayer Jesus, the Light of the...s, I offer you this Christmas Prayer. A Christmas Prayer Jesus, the Light of the World, as we celebr...s!Sister DorothyDirector of Mission/Spiritual Care Read More...
Thanksgiving Prayer 2017 the Catholic Health joyful praise now and always. Amen. Prayer provided through the Catholic Health Associ... provided through the Catholic Health Association. Read More...