Blog posts tagged with "advent"
Reflection for the Fourth Week of Advent
Don't Box Me In...a Reflection for the 4th Week of Advent
Reflection for the Second Week of Advent
In the Advent Reflection for the Week of December 10th
Reflection for the First Week of Advent
By Turning, Turning, We Come Round Advent Reflection for the Week of December 3rd
Advent Reflection for November 27, 2016
The Journey Ends and the Journey Begins, a reflection for the first week of Advent.
Advent Reflection for December 4, 2016
Hope for the Hopeless, a reflection for the second week of Advent
Advent Reflection for December 11, 2016
Midway in Life's Journey: Caring for the Next Generation, an Advent reflection for December 11
Advent Reflection for December 18, 2016
Protectors and Teachers of the Young, an Advent Reflection for December 18th
Advent Reflection for Christmas 2016
Where God is Born, Hope is Born, an Advent Reflection for Christmas