Free Parenting Mini Seminar on Wednesday, September 10th

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September 2, 2014

DENNISON—Parenting has always been challenging, but the explosion of technology into our lives has made a caregiver’s job even more demanding and confusing. Since kids don’t come with a manual, this event may be the next best thing. Trinity Hospital Twin City will host “Parenting in the Age of Technology,” a free mini seminar at 6 pm on Wednesday, September 10th at the hospital’s first floor St. Francis Conference Room.

Area parents, grandparents and guardians are encouraged to attend this free mini seminar which will be followed by a question and answer session for those who wish to stay. Featured speaker will be Dr. Anita R. Exley, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist at Chrysalis Counseling Center, Inc. Those who attend will receive healthy snacks, the chance to win door prizes and educational information.

                Dr. Exley will provide practical tips to help participants overcome parenting challenges and find ways to connect with their children. Dr. Exley will draw from her many years of experience working with children, adolescents, adults and families with varying emotional and behavioral concerns. Dr. Exley has been licensed by the Ohio State Board of Psychology for 19 years.      

                “Our children are the future leaders of our area, and we felt it was important to offer a seminar to provide parents with helpful information to support their children in an ever-changing environment,” explained Tiffany Poland, Trinity Hospital Twin City Director of Community Outreach.

                For more information or to register for the free “Parenting in the Age of Technology” mini seminar at Trinity Hospital Twin City, visit or call (740) 922-7450, ext. 2181.



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